Below you will find the following:

  1. Information on where funds can be digitally deposited through Elevate's Giving Method. It will give instructions on where to go to access our giving portal and how to successfully give using this method.
  2. Resources to create the following possible campaigns: (1) Traditional Letter, (2) Email, and (3) Social Media. 

We encourage you to think outside the box as there will be others within this group using these similar methods to crowdfund as well. Within the instructions for how to give, you will find that we tell them how they can give anonymously. If this happens, we will tell you total amount, but not name of giver. Furthermore, information on moneys raised will be sent out each Monday.

During the time you are individually crowdfunding, Elevate's social media outlets will be working to create funds for a general pot as well. 

Let us know if there are any further resources that you feel would be helpful. We are praying and believing God is going to do great things during this time for you as you work to reach those around the world. 

Info on How to Give

See below on information that can be shared on how to give. While there are many methods you can use to gather funds for this trip, this method provides a safe, simple solution for the person wishing to financially support your trip.

Visit this site: Make sure it is set to “one-time”. Select “Africa Mission Trip” in the Fund section, and type my name in the memo section.” (If you would like to remain anonymous, write “anonymous” next to my name in the memo section and your gift shall be given to me anonymously. 

Letter Template

Dear friends and family.

Can you imagine a place that is so stricken with poverty that many families desperately wonder where their next meal will come from? Can you imagine a place where men and women want to work in an effort to provide the basic necessities of life for their families, but are unable to because there are no jobs available? It might seem impossible to envision a place like that, but I can assure you it does exist. In fact, Zimbabwe is a place just like that. 

The country of Zimbabwe, in Southern Africa, is one of the poorest countries in the world, and I feel led to do something that will make a difference in the lives of the people of one of Zimbabwe’s villages. From May 20 to May 31, I will be going to Zimbabwe with a team from Elevate Church.

Our trip will focus on helping some of the most poverty stricken villages in the area. The purpose of our trip will be the following: 

  • First, we will be allowing God to work in and through our lives in any way He deems necessary.
  • Second, we will be digging multiple pond sites.  Once these ponds are dug we will install one liners, fill these ponds with water, and stock this ponds with fish. These ponds will serve as a permanent food source for villagers, as well as provide them an opportunity to generate income for their families to help them with other necessities of life.
  • Third, we will be feeding children at one of the local schools. For many of these children, their school meal is the only meal they get every day.
  • Fourth, we will be delivering food hampers to families in rural areas, many of whom live in huts made of mud.
  • Fifth, we will encourage a local church called Celebration Church.  It is our hope that our work and presence, will lift their spirits and support their work.   

I'm excited about the opportunity and experience that lie ahead, and I hope you see the value in what we will accomplish. As you can imagine, a trip like this requires much support from a number of people. I would be very grateful if you could first and foremost support me in prayer.  Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God’s leading for this trip. Furthermore, I would also be grateful if you could support me in a financial way.  In order to be a part of this mission trip, I need to raise $3,500 by May 1st.

If you would like to be part of this mission through your financial support, there are several way you can do so.  You can,  

  • Send a check to: Elevate Church. 3527 Manor Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39180.  In the Memo section of the check please write “Africa” and my name
  • Visit this site:  Make sure it is set to “one-time”. Select “Africa Mission Trip” in the Fund section, and type my name in the memo section.” (If you would like to remain anonymous, write “anonymous” next to my name in the memo section and your gift shall be given to me anonymously.  

All contributions are tax-deductible. As stated earlier, money is important but comes in a distant second to my need for your prayer support. Since prayer support is so important to the success of this trip, I would like to know that I can count on you in that area. So please pray daily for the work we hope to accomplish and that God uses this trip to change my life while I work to change the lives of others. 

     Because they haven't heard,

Social Media Template

🌍 Help Support Our Zimbabwe Mission Trip 🙏

Hey everyone, I'm joining Elevate Church's mission to Zimbabwe, one of the world's poorest countries, from May 20-31. Our goals are:

  1. Provide Sustainable Food: Dig ponds for fish farming to offer food and income to villagers.
  2. Feed School Children: Serve children as many rely on school meals as their only daily food.
  3. Deliver Food Hampers: Aid families in remote areas living in basic conditions.
  4. Support Local Church: Encourage Celebration Church in their spiritual journey.

🙌 Your Support is Crucial: Prayer is essential for our success. Furthermore, I am seeking to raise $3,500 by May 1st for this mission.

🤝 How to Donate:

  • By Check: Address to Elevate Church: 3527 Manor Drive, Vicksburg, MS 39180. (Note "Africa" & my name in the memo.)
  • Online: Visit, select "Give One Time" and choose "Africa Mission Trip". Add my name in the memo section. If you prefer to give anonymously, put my name along with anonymous in the memo section.

Your support, both through prayers and donations, is deeply appreciated. Together, we can make a difference!

Follow along as I share more about my journey in the upcoming weeks. 

Support Images

We have images that you can use to promote your crowdfunding. We have created 4 messages to use throughout the upcoming weeks as you seek both prayer and financial support. They come in two types of images:

  1. Square: This is typically used on both Facebook and instagram on your profile in generic posts, The square makes it work for multiple social media platforms along with many different devices. It is recommended that you pin the post to the top of your page so that when traffic comes to your profile, it is easy to find info. To access the square images, click here. They are in a zip file that can be accessed on a mobile device or desktop machine.
  2. Story: This is typically posted on your Facebook or Instagram story and is used to drive the viewer to your page so they can learn more. These are long format pictures that may not be the best suitable on your normal facebook page timeline as when scrolling, the entire image may not appear at one time. Stories are only on your page for 24 hours so it is recommended that you do this multiple times while alternating images. To access the story images, click here

QR Code

Type the content for this section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this section, you will see the filler text disappear, and you can begin typing your real content. We’ve simply put in filler text in this area.